
Thursday, December 13, 2018

christmas isnt all about presents.

I think the theme of the Grinch is that it's not all about presents it's all about having fun time with your family & friends.

Don’t be angry when you don’t have any presents because you could be greedy.

Did you know It's better to have fun with your family & friends instead of presents.

And presents are not more important than friends & family.

Christmas is a time for being happy so on Christmas eve you will have to go to bed early so you have lots of energy for Christmas and your happy  for Christmas and your nice.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Would you rather Christmas Style.

For Mrs Jack we had to do would you rather and its made by me and Logan. and it was really fun making it here is our slide. Let me know in the comments what answer would you pick???

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

summer learning journey practice 2.

For Summer Learning Journey practice me and Dylan have been reading about countries we chose England.

England is an island. It is part of the United kingdom.
England borders Scotland in north and wales to the west.

 there are  53.1 million people in England.

(Main Cities) London (capital), Liverpool Birmingham, Norwich

Climate. Mild or temperate climate. In winter the temperature range from 0 - 10 degrees Celsius. In summer the average temperature is between 17 and 20 degrees Celsius.

Public Holidays. there are 9 Public holidays in England. they call them 'Bank holidays.' They do not celebrate a national birthday in England.

Languages. there is one official Language in England - English.

Ethnic Mix.  White, Asian, Black, Mixed, Arab, Other,

Money (Currency.) Pound sterling [GBP].

National Sports. Cricket, Rugby union, Rugby league, netball, soccer, hockey,.

National Icons. 1. The Barbary Lion, 2. The rose, 3. The oask tree, 4. The Queen. 5. The cup of tea.

Friday, November 30, 2018

my favourite sport.

For cybersmart we have been learning  writing a video about our fav sport. And i picked soccer. and his name is Cristiano Ronaldo. and here is  picture of him.😁😆😆😊

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

maths Questions-tyres

Maths Questions - Tyres

In maths we have been learning about making maths question from a picture.
first we talk about it before we got it on our blog post.
then we  had to blog it. I found the ideas are hard.

I found  it a little bit easy .


What Maths Questions can you make up about this picture?

How many tyres swings could we make?

How many were spare tyres?

How long could i lift a tyre for?

How many circles are there?

How many big tyres are there?

How many small or big tyres are there?  

How would you work out the answers? What strategy could you use?

Get a robot scanner.
Skip count.

Time tables

Count in tens or one hundreds.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Friday, November 9, 2018

SLJ practice. speaking a new lauguage.

Hey Readers,

Today we are learning how to speak in the language of country we chose for the learning summer Learning  Journey. I chose to go Australia-they speak English.

There are  three Phrases that we need to know!

thank you-

DO you speak English?

Then we had to add a photo of how I would feel in that country...Here is my selfie.
I would be really excited and a  little bit freak out. 

How would you feel?



Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Art - copying

In art I've be learning about copying drawings. I challenged myself by trying and without tracing from the other  paper. The hardest part was working out where the drawings went.
This is my art I did.       

Friday, November 2, 2018

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Orange Grove Mystery.

in the story there is a abc gang and i will show what it means A=Abby B=bec and C=Charlie. so those are the people that are looking for the mystery. there is a cat in the story and his name is marmalade because he looks like marmalade.and  there was Patrick king and rick and rick was wearing a orange.   

Friday, October 26, 2018

SLG Practice Japan.

Hey Readers (audience)

This term we have been learn about summer learning  Journey. there is 127.1 million  people in japan. japan is a country in the pacific ocean made up 6852 islands. The climate in japan is mostly temperate, however, it does vary from north to south with colder temperatures (including snow) found in the north. here is one official language in Japan - Japanese.this link shows you more information. the capital city and map has 12,576,601 people in it.


Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Monday, September 17, 2018

With Mrs S we did fractions.We made a pizza base and put our toppings on it. We then had to work out what fraction of each topping we had.

calendar art.

calendar art.

For calendar art this week we have learnt to blend our colours with paint. i really enjoyed painting but i found it difficult to get crisp lines. first we sketch an outline then we started at the top  worked down. how i liked it: it was hard a little bit.   

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

sea turtles.

How do sea turtles grow into adult.

The turtles is an endangered species.they have been around 150 million years.
It takes Approximately 20 years for a turtle to become a breeding adult.
If it's a female turtle it will make babies she lays between 50-200 eggs.

 How mother lays eggs

Mother turtle will lay her eggs on the beach and will make hole in the ground.
And when the they hatch they will go into sea.
In the ground they take around 6 weeks to hatch only 20% won't hatch eggs
and then they hatch and then they are growing and then they are adults and they
can go sea when there a baby and they stay
Until there adult.

When they grow up they are like medium they are nearly an adult and when they
are adults they are  big and huge and they swim through the waves and then they
could be sharks and Dolphins in the water while the turtles are swimming so the
turtle should beware.

How old they are when they breed?

  when they are 20 years old the female turtle is adult and goes up to the beach to lay

Every living sea turtle has overcome the odds, squirm to the surface, emerging
From the sand en masse. Turtles can bite you if you touch them so i would´int 
Touch them if i was you. Baby turtles Hide under seaweed that's up on the water.
If theres is gas or oil the turtle will get trapped. Only 10% of turtles live

To a old age. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

how to comment.

HI my name is Kahu our class is doing commenting challenge and i need everyone to leave me some comments on my blog! We get different points for different people! SO PLEASE leave a comment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


For the last days we have been reading about Run away alien
and it is a fun book to read and there is this alien that was pink and the book was by Michael Pryor and i really think you should read this click this link to buy run away alien

So i hope you click this link and you buy it there is this guy and he is a man and he help´s the alien and the alien is scared  and he puts his hands on his face that means he is scared so the man is really helpful so yeah´ and the pink alien was keebo and i don´t no what his name is. so please comment down what his name is.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

hokey pokey

Hokey pokey was made by cadbury and some have chocolate on them and some
Don´t New Zealand call it hokey pokey.In other countries it is honeycomb toffee. hokey pokey was made
In 1950’s. hokey pokey comes in a crunchie bar and i like crunchie bars there so good.

Turn on the frying pan and then get half of cup of sugar. Step two Add a quarter of golden syrup and then mix it till it is bubbling, and then leave it
Bowling for three minutes.   

Step three, add two teaspoons of baking soda and then stir quickly it will froth.
It froth because the carbon dioxide i  the baking soda i think.

And also there is a hokey pokey song click this link hokey pokey

Friday, August 3, 2018


today i have completed my work you mite see sketches if can.And i had to coloured the tree and the blue means winter and red is autumn and lite green is is spring  and dark is summer i don't know if i got it  rong or rite but i don't cear really cause it doesin't mind. 
 I coloured it in postal if you don't mine if you want me.
to do more information or more colour if you can see the tree that i coloured in.

                                 so i hope you like it. By Kahu


I have been learning to skip count to solve Multiplication problems. I have been using my 2's , 5's and

Wednesday, August 1, 2018


    What i you know about knowledge.
 i think in sunny days you can sweaty and cold. 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

First you put two finger in the bottom handle.
Put your thumb at the top  were the handle open your hands and making the blades open and put in paper be tween
The blades close the handles together to cut the paper.
second. you must never Cut your hand if you have scissor.
third. cut what you want like paper, cardboard.
Fourth. you could maybe use (four fingers) if you want.
Fifth. the metal on the scissors is very sharp. must use the scissor properly.and never be silly with them.
Seven. the scissors are very sharp and pointy.You can use scissors to Cut your hair.
.eight. thumb pushing away and fingers pulling in.
nine.A pair of scissor consists of a pair of metal blades pivoted so that the sharpened edges slide against each other when the handles (bows) opposite to the pivot are closed. Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, cloth, rope, and wire.
Tenth.there lots of different scissors like applique scissors,tailorś scissors.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

narrative writing and novel.

  • Characters.They have a name.some of them could be actually animals like someone and something. mostly its human.
         problem and solution.

             little sentence.
  •  Narrative. All of them should have title and speeches      
  •   its fiction.
  • Narrative should have a full stop at a end of a story.
  • they always need capital letters at the start of a sentence.


Wednesday, July 4, 2018



we had a hangi at our school there was stuffing in it and their were meat and chicken 
and vegetables.and at lunchtime we had the hangi and the hangi taste real good that
my mouth went hot because the vegetables were real hot and some of them
i didn't like.but the ones that i like is the meat and the stuffing and the chicken
so i was really happy when the hangi was on.  

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Friday, June 22, 2018

private and not private.

                  private and not private.
                                                         save stuff   online
 "we have been learning about private and not private in cybersmart. 

Tyler and me and Logan made a slide about' private information.

this is what your not meant to be doing online'.
the good thing that you can do is your is only show your first name and your pets but there are thing's your not allowed to show about your pets in the bathroom.

and you can"t show your email and your last name.

I hope you like my private and not private.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018


For our strand Maths we have been looking at measurement.
We have learnt that 1 metre equals 100 cm and that there are 1000 metres in a kilometre.

We have also learned how to measure objects around our school.

The most challenging thing about measuring is was getting the mearsurement in place.
The activity I enjoyed most was doing the mearsuring sheet because it is fun to mearsure the thing that we did.
My group measured the school bag container and it was long. This measurement can also be written as kilometre.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Monday, June 11, 2018

chinese new year.

For the next two weeks in literacy we are going to be learning about Chinese new year.i already know that Chinese were robes .and they do a feast in the Chinese town.

What do you know about Chinese new year?.can you help me with you knowledge.

  1.                                               Chinese festival

Thursday, June 7, 2018


I have been learning about matariki for the last two last weeks iv'e learnt that matariki is Maori stuff like  speeches Kapa haka hangi and all that stuff that maori does.

i like matariki cause you get a hangi free food and games and lollies and stuff.
some like to games in matariki.because you get to play a pig games.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

by kahu

The boy sold his cow because he wanted to get more money.
So then he sold his cow to a stranger and the stranger gave him a magic bean that growed when the Boy was sleeping.
So the boy climbed  to the top of the beanstalk

And there was a castle at the very top of the beanstalk and a big giant that was till and hairy. so the boy got in to the  castle and looking around and then there was trouble he was spotted so the boy ran is fast as he can. But... he got catcherd by the big giant.and then...onne day he slipped out of his hands and got out.    


                                            Celebrating Matariki...

 do you know what matariki means hangi. 

and celebration is maori people gathering up.and doing the kapa  haka.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Friday, May 18, 2018

                                                         over the last we have been learning about private and personal

Thursday, May 17, 2018

over the last 10 robotics...

                              In robotics we have been learning to program a robot.
My group program the robot to go up down sideways.

then once we got that sorted we made a lifter.

first I learnt to make the robot go forward in a straight line.

then the group  got stuck because they were having trouble doing the robotics

we were talking about it.

we use mac book to make it do the moves.

we were doing sustainability.

we   had to lifted a box and froed it.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Our people powers- make there day.

Today we talked about how

Friday, April 13, 2018

Thomas Harry kinder...

 This week for reading and
writing I have been learning about the ANZAC's  made a slide about the Tomas Harry kinder theirs only 3 slides.

Friday, April 6, 2018

all about me poster.

this is cool i have been learning cybasmart  it is fun and cool and you get to do up splash and on the website. and up splash is a hole bunch of photo's and images so some people mite feel like going on up splash. uplash  is my favourite  because my favourite photo is a hot rod car.


Wednesday, April 4, 2018

we should we should ban plastic bags.

today i have been learning about banning plastic bags. here is my writing.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.