
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Making 1,000 (maths)

Hey Readers,

                        For maths I am learning how multiples of 100 add up to 1,000.

               you fill in the missing circle and put a hundredths number that makes 1,000.

                                                For an example my work.
                                                  😃Please comment😃


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How To Get Out Of The Red Zone.

In our homerooms we had to make a poster about the red zone in zones regulation what i found easy was that getting the pictures the hard part was for me is writting it. but over all it was pretty easy mostly
because i worked with a buddy and we got the work DONE FAST 😅

Thursday, October 31, 2019

My collage

For Cyber Smart week we did a collage it had to be about New Zealand. we had to use images online that were for free then we find the images we wanted that were for free and you had to use google drawings. So my collage was a kiwi and i hope you like it so please comment thank you.

                                                                   This is my kiwi.


Friday, September 27, 2019

Going to the marae SHOW

Hey readers,
On friday we went for a speacial trip we went to the marae. When we first got there we saw these people on this wood hut and they were saying moari words i could'nt under stand what they were saying. We walk in there were moari people walking forwords to us then reece got picked to get this leafe it was a special then the moari people went back and talked moari and then we got to go in this big moari house and they showed us a show about muwei finding his mama and papa and he found his parents and he was so happy and his brothers. So then we played a game and we had to put our finger on our left partners palm. Then we went outside and had some lunch and well we were having lunch we got to have a show. Then after that we got a Photo and then we went in our homeroom lines and then we went in the bus.

My favourite parts was playing Moari games and doing the haka and a photo.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today in cybersmart we have been doing tracing we had to insert an image and then we had trace it with shapes or curve line i did a emoji with a santa hat it was cool but i did'n]['p;7y't have much time.
we did it on a google drive witch you can make stuff on there.  please comment.
                                          Here is my picture that i did hope u like it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

commander entry

Today in reading we read a book about space it was so cool it was easy because all we had to do was write a commander report about something that has broken and if their is a way to solve it or someone can save you it has to be about stuff in space. nothing was hard about it here is mine.

Zones of regulation

For learning we have been doing zones of regulation.
Theres a green zone,yellow zone,red zone,blue zone
green zone is happy,red zone is angry, yellow zone is worried,blue zone is sad.
and here is my work.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Strand maths.

To readers,
For maths strand i have been doing a sheet of work and its about votes and here is my work.


Out class date

Hey readers,
Today we did something about graphs there was a number grahp and a picture graph.
We and to fill it in and this is what I got hope you like it.


Friday, August 23, 2019

Teo Reo

Today we did a canva,A canva is something that you can make a poster on,we made a poster about weather. It was so fun putting pictures on it. Here is my one.

Picotograph milk cartons sold.

Today in maths strand we used graphs that use pictures to show information. we did a sheet with a pictograph it was double sided on the front there was an example and some question at the front at the back there is a graph I have to fill in it was easy the key was one carton was counted as two here is my pictures down below.

Thursday, August 22, 2019


For reading we have been learning about a comet is made of ice and dust an gas.
it is near the sun.

Top trumpet cards.

For reading we have been learning about top trumpt cards. these are my top trumpt cards 
about the super giant star and the nebula. these are the things i know a about super giant star and a nebula.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What mum put on my plate.(0_0)

My mum is making yucky green soup right now. It has green goo like spew I really want Fish and Chips.I need to go outside right now.Smells gross I am spewing in my mouth.I really need to go outside.Smells disgusting like vomit that has been sitting somewhere for months eeeeew. I am spewing lots in my mouth and swallowing it for some reason and it keeps coming back up.I don't want to ever look at that again.I had to try the soup and then the vomit came out of my mouth.After I spewed I said I'm never touching or looking at that gross stuff ever again. I tell my mum I have finished spewing. And she said you spewed all over the carpet. 

Friday, August 9, 2019

Bar graph

Hey readers

Today we did a bar graph,My one was about how old people are in my home room.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Fraction of a number.

In maths we have been learning how to find a fraction of a number. i have a put a photo of fractions for you to solve by yourself you can learn fractions just like i did. we got a partner and we got some counters and a maths question for our buddy. my buddy was rylan and he had to solve the maths qustion and he got it right. but when it was my turn i didn't get i right.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Planet Earth.

                                 Planet Earth 
This report will be about planet earth.The earth is the 5th largest planet. The only planet with life.

Earth orbits the sun at 142,600,000 kms per hour.
Earth orbits the sun on the same path each year. It takes 365 days to orbit the sun. 

Day and night earth rotates on an axis.
Each day and night, The earth rotates.This take 24 hours to rotate  (day)
. Depending on the rotation of the axis, one side of the earth will have light (daytime) and one side of the earth will be in the dark (nighttime). Tilt of earth means light varies earth. Pole painting towards. 

Earth’s orbit creates seasons
The earth has seasons because of the earth's axis. It is tilted at an angle of 23.4 degrees. The earth gets different solar energy than others. The seasons that this creates are summer,winter,autumn, spring

Now you know about planet earth

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Describing the moon.

Hey Readers,

Today we have been learning about screencastfify and you can make cool videos about school or trips in the holiday. How to do screencastfify you click on the right on your screen and click the thing thats looks like a mouse.

Friday, July 5, 2019



Monday, July 1, 2019

matariki maths.

We looked at a photo of the 7 stars of matariki. We talked about polygons. Polygons are shapes.
We had to use the position of the stars to create diffrent shapes. The most simple polygon i made was two triangle. The most complex or diffrent polygon i made was a car shape.

Monday, June 17, 2019

In maths we have been learning to solve multiplication problems by using repeated addition or our times tables. Mrs Mcguinniety gave us a sheet with smiley faces 😁 on it and we had to cut them up into rectangles we then had to work out how many faces 😁 there were in each one using repeated addtion or times table. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


today for learning we are doing a haiku. they are usually written about things that are recognizable to the reader. here is a site that you can visit this link: this site will take you to a kid zone Haiku.
the first and last line of a Haiku have 5 syllables Because Haikus are such short poems.

Here is my poem:)

5. jack frost freezes grass

7. Shivery, winter, blizzard.

5. My windows is cold.


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

colour blocks

for learning we have been doing colour blocks and this is what i didand i hope you like it
we had to make six of them and i manage to get it before school end. it was hard to try and figure them out. the colors are yellow red and blue.

Altered Pictures

Hi readers this is the way people alter videos. they alter videos for entertainment and if you dont know what alter means its fake and people edited it or they would of choped the video in to two and there are some brurred private ifomation in my slide. My favourite one was the first one.
Which one do you like the best? 

hokey pokey.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Today we did maths strand it was hard and easy we had to make a map of the story of hanssel and greatle me Mitchell and peter conected our maps together we made a big map it took us ages to finish the map when we did the map . All of us were laughing and talking about what we were going to draw on the map peter drawed foot prints.I drawed the ginger bread house. Mitchell drawed hanssel and greatle house. Here is a picture of our work. sorry its upside down.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Friday, May 31, 2019


In geometry we have been looking at different on maps. we have learnt what a compass looks like and the directions north,,east,South,west,NE,NW,SE,SW. I remeber it by never eat soggy weatbix.

In this task we had to go in google maps and try and find the directions where to go from the place to southhornby.

I found it little bit hard because the directions.

Monday, May 13, 2019


for learning we have been doing two digit and it didn't take long.
please comment and you can tell me the answer if you want.

4 colors.

this week we have been doing squares. and here is a a image of my work and i hope you like it. can you see that there is different colors. and there facing different angles. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Sort the street.

For maths we have been doing a game called sort the street and there are some patterns and same colour doors. 
here are some of my pictures that i did.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Helping and Encouraging Others.

For learning we have been doing Helping and Encouraging others and we budded up and it was fun making this.  you can see on the right hand side that there is man this trying to help.  And on the left hand side he fall down of the running thing.

A house for sale!!!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What does not belong?

We have been learning about number's and their place value. First we went up to the teacher the teacher showed us a picture with a odd numbers even double digit we guessed what the odd numbers out where.

What does not being ?
please leave you answer in the comments. here is the picture



Red looks like big fat apples and strawberry flavored markers.

Red sounds like big fast music and red hot fire.

Red smells like red hot burning wheels.

Red makes you feel red hot sun.

Red taste like? Hot burning candy and red steaming apples and strawberry.

Red ideas seem like south hornby school and strawberry hatch.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Six-sentence story.

This week in writing we wrote a six-sentence story about creating a character and adding detail. Our focus was on creating sentences. We learnt that the four criteria of a sentence are up top. i found it easy by not much.       

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


For learning we have been brain storming about kindness. Then we wrote our ideas on the peace of paper. Here are some ideas that we did: Giving people gifts, Little can be big, Respect others, Include others, Be friendly, Don´t judge a book by its cover. I found it hard to think.

Thursday, March 14, 2019


Today in wrtting we used a picture promt to create lipgram a lipgram is a senctecs without usin one particular letter . we had to write one intresting sentecse describing the picture without the letter ´i´. I found this easy\changellge...... (why?) 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Thursday, March 7, 2019

hockey practise.

                           hockey practice
Today we had peter from Canterbury Hockey visit us. In hockey we were learning about dribbling and it was had to dribble the ball. 

First we did dribbling we had imagine the ball was super glued to the stick and we were playing around with it. After that we learnt how to stop the ball and dodge the ball the other players. We had to control the ball at all times.

Lastly we played a game like rob the nest. we had too get a ball and dribble it in our nest. 

                                                        Here are some pictures of me.



Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Wanna Know About Kahu m? read This...

In Cyber Smart we have been learning about shortcuts. This week we had to screenshot our About Me Doc and create a blog post for it.
What was challenging was trying to think of a catchy title. What i found easy was being able to do the screenshot quickly! Here is my work, I hope you like it!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

year 4 ymca trip.

Introducing Kahu.

Hi, my name is kahu and im going to introducing my self.