
Thursday, September 20, 2018

Monday, September 17, 2018

With Mrs S we did fractions.We made a pizza base and put our toppings on it. We then had to work out what fraction of each topping we had.

calendar art.

calendar art.

For calendar art this week we have learnt to blend our colours with paint. i really enjoyed painting but i found it difficult to get crisp lines. first we sketch an outline then we started at the top  worked down. how i liked it: it was hard a little bit.   

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

sea turtles.

How do sea turtles grow into adult.

The turtles is an endangered species.they have been around 150 million years.
It takes Approximately 20 years for a turtle to become a breeding adult.
If it's a female turtle it will make babies she lays between 50-200 eggs.

 How mother lays eggs

Mother turtle will lay her eggs on the beach and will make hole in the ground.
And when the they hatch they will go into sea.
In the ground they take around 6 weeks to hatch only 20% won't hatch eggs
and then they hatch and then they are growing and then they are adults and they
can go sea when there a baby and they stay
Until there adult.

When they grow up they are like medium they are nearly an adult and when they
are adults they are  big and huge and they swim through the waves and then they
could be sharks and Dolphins in the water while the turtles are swimming so the
turtle should beware.

How old they are when they breed?

  when they are 20 years old the female turtle is adult and goes up to the beach to lay

Every living sea turtle has overcome the odds, squirm to the surface, emerging
From the sand en masse. Turtles can bite you if you touch them so i would´int 
Touch them if i was you. Baby turtles Hide under seaweed that's up on the water.
If theres is gas or oil the turtle will get trapped. Only 10% of turtles live

To a old age. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

how to comment.

HI my name is Kahu our class is doing commenting challenge and i need everyone to leave me some comments on my blog! We get different points for different people! SO PLEASE leave a comment.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


For the last days we have been reading about Run away alien
and it is a fun book to read and there is this alien that was pink and the book was by Michael Pryor and i really think you should read this click this link to buy run away alien

So i hope you click this link and you buy it there is this guy and he is a man and he help´s the alien and the alien is scared  and he puts his hands on his face that means he is scared so the man is really helpful so yeah´ and the pink alien was keebo and i don´t no what his name is. so please comment down what his name is.