
Friday, June 22, 2018

private and not private.

                  private and not private.
                                                         save stuff   online
 "we have been learning about private and not private in cybersmart. 

Tyler and me and Logan made a slide about' private information.

this is what your not meant to be doing online'.
the good thing that you can do is your is only show your first name and your pets but there are thing's your not allowed to show about your pets in the bathroom.

and you can"t show your email and your last name.

I hope you like my private and not private.


Tuesday, June 19, 2018


For our strand Maths we have been looking at measurement.
We have learnt that 1 metre equals 100 cm and that there are 1000 metres in a kilometre.

We have also learned how to measure objects around our school.

The most challenging thing about measuring is was getting the mearsurement in place.
The activity I enjoyed most was doing the mearsuring sheet because it is fun to mearsure the thing that we did.
My group measured the school bag container and it was long. This measurement can also be written as kilometre.


Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Monday, June 11, 2018

chinese new year.

For the next two weeks in literacy we are going to be learning about Chinese new year.i already know that Chinese were robes .and they do a feast in the Chinese town.

What do you know about Chinese new year?.can you help me with you knowledge.

  1.                                               Chinese festival

Thursday, June 7, 2018


I have been learning about matariki for the last two last weeks iv'e learnt that matariki is Maori stuff like  speeches Kapa haka hangi and all that stuff that maori does.

i like matariki cause you get a hangi free food and games and lollies and stuff.
some like to games in matariki.because you get to play a pig games.