
Friday, September 27, 2019

Going to the marae SHOW

Hey readers,
On friday we went for a speacial trip we went to the marae. When we first got there we saw these people on this wood hut and they were saying moari words i could'nt under stand what they were saying. We walk in there were moari people walking forwords to us then reece got picked to get this leafe it was a special then the moari people went back and talked moari and then we got to go in this big moari house and they showed us a show about muwei finding his mama and papa and he found his parents and he was so happy and his brothers. So then we played a game and we had to put our finger on our left partners palm. Then we went outside and had some lunch and well we were having lunch we got to have a show. Then after that we got a Photo and then we went in our homeroom lines and then we went in the bus.

My favourite parts was playing Moari games and doing the haka and a photo.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Today in cybersmart we have been doing tracing we had to insert an image and then we had trace it with shapes or curve line i did a emoji with a santa hat it was cool but i did'n]['p;7y't have much time.
we did it on a google drive witch you can make stuff on there.  please comment.
                                          Here is my picture that i did hope u like it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

commander entry

Today in reading we read a book about space it was so cool it was easy because all we had to do was write a commander report about something that has broken and if their is a way to solve it or someone can save you it has to be about stuff in space. nothing was hard about it here is mine.

Zones of regulation

For learning we have been doing zones of regulation.
Theres a green zone,yellow zone,red zone,blue zone
green zone is happy,red zone is angry, yellow zone is worried,blue zone is sad.
and here is my work.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Strand maths.

To readers,
For maths strand i have been doing a sheet of work and its about votes and here is my work.


Out class date

Hey readers,
Today we did something about graphs there was a number grahp and a picture graph.
We and to fill it in and this is what I got hope you like it.